26th Birthday

I have once again added +1 to my age.

I have started by birthday, at my desk around 9:30 cracking on with PhD related work, to a meeting with my supervisor. The day continued on with, talking to my girlfriend Asta, some more work, then dinner with friends, ice cream to follow (jannetta’s, obviously) then back to office for more work.
My supervisor and I are working on this paper and I’m still collecting results.

I have received kind words congratulating on my birthday from various places, various medium, and in very varying time (due to timezones).

But I think I definitely have to give some of the credit to my parents dealing with me.

Thank you all, to have dealt with me for another year, and thank you for your support.

It has been a great year being 25, now we shall see what 26 is going to be like.